May 20, 2005

New ways of sleeping

Nathan decided last night, at about 1:30 AM, that he did not want to be sleeping lying down. He shared his feelings with his parents clearly and without equivocation.

Nathan’s father last night, at about 1:30 AM, wanted to sleep very much. He expressed his feelings clearly and without equivocation. But that was irrelevant, of course.

The curious thing was that Nathan did, in fact, want to sleep. He just wanted to sit up for the occasion. As soon as I would sit him up, his head would instantly droop – I mean within mere milliseconds of his back being brought to a vertical position – and he’d fall asleep.

I’d wait a few minutes, start to lie him down, and as soon as his back passed about 10 degrees off vertical, he’d tell me that that was NOT OK. 5 degrees off vertical, OK. 10.1 degrees: right out.

We played this game for a little while – me sitting him up until I started to doze off, at which point I’d start to ease him back down, at which point I would not be about to doze off anymore. This went on until Meredith asked if we might not be able to play this fun game somewhere else. Say, in the other half of the house, with as many closed doors between her and us as possible.

It was a long night.

Posted by Mike at May 20, 2005 06:45 PM

Wow! I never knew that a protractor was an important part of raising a child.

This is a major marketing opportunity!!!!!!!

The world need an official Baby Protractor™!

Hmmm, can I patent this?

Do we need to add a licensed character to it or would just bright colors be sufficient? Would Winnie the Pooh pointing to the magical 10.1 degrees marker create additional sales volume to more than offset the cost of the license? So many questions. My mind is reeling.

Should this be a stand-alone product? Or licensed to be built into cribs? Or both?

Does 10.1 degrees apply to both baby boys and baby girls? Is distance from the equator a factor? What about the phase of the moon? Much research to do.

I'm off to do a patent search.

Just AL

Posted by: Just Al on May 20, 2005 09:18 PM

Did you consider lettng him sleep in his swing? \this way he is sitting up.

Meredith used to sleep that way, so did Melissa.

Posted by: Rick on May 22, 2005 01:36 PM

He *totally* takes after his Auntie M!!!

Posted by: Auntie M on May 24, 2005 10:08 AM