April 30, 2004

SpamBayes: the anti-spam

I've been using SpamBayes for about six months or so now, and it has had a profound affect on my life. It has almost no false positives (and the false positives it does occasionally have are always things like receipts for things I actually ordered -- I've never seen it have a false positive on, say, a personal note), and it rarely misses spam. You can download an SpamBayes plug-in for Outlook (not Outlook Express) on Windows for free.

As I'm sure that all rational people would agree, spam won't truly cease to be a problem until we legalize setting packs of ravenous, rabid dogs on the people who send email filled with visions of hot teenage girls with instant University degrees and cheap Rolex watches getting it on with viagra-enhanced goats, as featured on free pirated cable TV. But until that glorious day, SpamBayes is the next best thing.

Posted by Mike at April 30, 2004 11:49 PM