September 30, 2003

Wait For Green

More comments on the Philadelphia trip...

Philadelphia traffic is very strange. The first odd thing was these signs, seen on many traffic lights, that say "Wait For Green". Isn't that pretty much the definition of a traffic light? I think if you need a sign to remind people that you are supposed to wait for green, you have a problem that the sign isn't going to fix. And, after spending a couple of days driving around the area, I'm convinced that they have a problem that the signs are not fixing.

Traffic is also weird because it lurches. On Sunday, driving from where we were staying in Plymouth Meeting into Philadelphia, traffic on the freeway would just suddenly come to a stop. Then, just as suddenly, it would go back up to 50-60 MPH for a few minutes before lurching to a stop again. We never saw any wrecks (except the one rear-end collision right in front of us that was caused by this lurching) or anything else that would explain it. Tess, who grew up in the area, said that traffic was always like that.


Posted by Mike at September 30, 2003 01:47 PM

From the Pennsylvania Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices

Wait For Green (R10-21)
Justification:  The Wait For Green sign shall be authorized for use at traffic-control signal installations where a tendency is noted on the part of the motorist to start his vehicle moving before his green indication is lighted.  This occurs where opposing traffic has a leading green, and thus is allowed to move before the motorist in question.
Placement:  The R10-21 sign should be placed on the signal post or pedestal supporting the signals to which it applies.  It may also be placed in an overhead position on a signal mast arm or span wire.

So that's the justification, but I have to agree with your comments.

Personally my favorite roas sign is the H-1 sign in Hawaii . The concept of having an interstate highway in Hawaii is interesting to say the least.


Posted by: KB on September 30, 2003 02:33 PM

I going trough Philadelphia International Airport and saw that sign. I had a good chuckle and I also had to go through the odd traffic situation on i-95 on my way home. I am new to the Philly metro area and have the same conclusion you do they are terrible drivers.

Posted by: Dave on May 13, 2007 04:44 PM