July 01, 2003

Note to self...

I visited the dentist today to finish getting my crown put in.

In the future, I will try to remember that having a lot of coffee before needing anesthesia isn't really the best idea for me. The overall effect was that it took much, much longer for the drugs to kick in. Consequently, the dentist, trying hard to actually get me numb for the procedure, had to give me three separate shots. That worked -- and then, thirty minutes later, when they finally kicked in for real, half of the left side of my face was numb. My left nostril was numb. Even my left eye was tingling a bit. Yecch...

Posted by Mike at July 1, 2003 08:53 PM


The only time I had to have 3 shots is when I had my crown put in. Welcome to the club!

But I don't think that I had any coffee that day.

I will probably be getting another crown in the near future, so I will keep your sage advice in mind so that I won't need to receive 5 shots!

I must admit that I enjoy painless dentistry. When I was growing up in NY my family dentist did not believe in any type of anesthesia so he'd tell to open my mouth and then he proceeded to start drilling away. It wasn't that bad, but I prefer getting the shot.

Posted by: al on July 2, 2003 10:35 AM

That is really scary to think about. I like not feeling the drill. *shudder*

Posted by: Mike on July 2, 2003 11:57 AM

Just back from the dentist for the first of 2 visits for a root canal and crown.

Following your sage advice I did not have any coffee before the procedure and as a result the one shot did the trick.

Perhaps you should write a "sage advice" column for one of the medical websites?



Posted by: al on August 6, 2003 12:55 PM