April 10, 2003

If al-Sahaf were there...

After running across a hysterical site posing the question "What if Fox News were around during other historical events", I got to thinking about the Iraqi Minister of Silly Walks Information Minister, Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf, and what would he have said at various events.

Sherman is lying

The Black Knight always wins!

It's just a few Indians

See, the Infidels have even left us a peace offering!

Ah, if only...

I actually miss his daily briefings. He was always good for a laugh.

Posted by Mike at April 10, 2003 10:10 PM


I'm from Portugal, a country which enjoys an immensely greater freedom of the press than the USA - a truth that has been made glaringly obvious during the Invasion of Iraq, in which the US media coverage of the war sunk to Soviet levels.

My point about al-Sahaf is: is it even conceivable that the discourse of the official spokesman of a country at war could be other than to proclaim victory at all times? Are you all suggesting that if the war turned out badly for the "coallition", the Pentagon spokesdrones would be informing us faithfully of US defeats in the field?

What you don't realize is that, by making fun of al-Sahaf, you're just showing to the world the obscene spectacle of racist minds at work.

And, hey: how many times did the "coallition" forces capture Basra? How many dozen top iraqui generals surrendered in the first week of war? How many times WMDs were discovered? Etc., etc.

One last thing: living in a free country, and having followed the Invasion of Iraq with much interest, I got to know, by watching TV in the comfort of my living room, the true Private Lynch story - and, I tell you, it is very, very different than the cheap propaganda you're beeing fed...

I may reveal reveal here the true "Saving Private Lynch" story, but only if yoy ask me nicely - for all I care, you anglos may live with your pathetic brainwashed brains for the rest of your lives.

Take care.

Luis Fontes

Posted by: Luis on April 13, 2003 06:00 AM

I would make just as much fun of any American who was as incredibly absurd as this guy was. Ari Fleischer probably comes as close as any Administration official ("We NEED to lower taxes in order to pay for this war"), but even he can't hold a candle to al-Sahaf.

Posted by: Mike on April 14, 2003 11:01 PM