February 09, 2003

War apathy

I have a confession to make: I am really tired of hearing the debate on the war with Iraq.

I know, it's really important. It's obviously one of the most pressing issues that our nation has to deal with at this time. But, for whatever reason, I am having a harder and harder time actually caring.

Yes, Hussein is a mad-man dictator. Iraq could hardly have a worse person running the country. If Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, I've no doubt that they would have little compunction about using them on the US. It's just that, well -- I'm tired of the debate.

It seems to have been going on for over a year. Iraq is evil, they want to kill us, we have to stop them first, we have to stop them because they are ignoring the UN, even if we have to ignore the UN to do it ... we shouldn't attack first, we can't attack without UN approval, it will just destabilize everthing if we do ... blah, blah, blah. It's at the point now that I don't even read the articles about it, and will turn away from NPR when they are discussing it.

I'm more interested in the fact that California is hemorrhaging money, actually. The dismal state of our state's economy has a much more direct impact on people that I know. Yes, that's kind of a selfish view. But -- it's where I'm at right now. Actually, in global terms, North Korea's Kim Jong Il scares me far more than Hussein. North Korea's leader is also evil, ruthless, but, unlike Hussein, seems completely, certifiably insane. This is not a good combination.

But as for Iraq? Well ... I'm glad people are having the debate. I just don't want to hear it right now.


Posted by Mike at February 9, 2003 03:58 PM

I hear you. Incidentally, what's with this "Terror Alert: High" business? Are we supposed to reinstate Air Raid drills and bomb shelters? Good grief.

Posted by: Emily on February 11, 2003 05:09 PM