September 08, 2003

bad day, good day

A bad day is when you oversleep because you worked until 10 the night before. A bad day is when you realize that by oversleeping, you will be late to the staff meeting at your new job. A bad day is when you rush to the staff meeting without showering or eating only to discover the staff meeting has been cancelled. A bad day is when you discover that the staff meeting has been cancelled because your boss, who is roaring your name at the top of his lungs, is too grumpy to lead it.

A good day is when your friend takes you to lunch at a new restaurant and picks up the tab. A good day is when someone you like stops by your office for no reason. A good day is when your elders spend three hours imparting their wisdom while you frantically scribble notes. A good day is when spinach is delivered. A good day is when you have a roasted red pepper to go with the spinach. A good day is a husband who feeds you ice cream at the end of what looked like a very bad day.

Posted by Meredith at September 8, 2003 09:59 PM


Posted by: the dave on September 14, 2003 04:33 PM

Yes, spinach. As in 'what three foods would you eat for the rest of your life on a desert island?"

Spinach, apples, and ice cream. Oh, and pizza with tuna. Yeah.

Posted by: veggie girl on September 15, 2003 02:53 PM
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