October 10, 2002

More feminism responses

Gentle reader and erstwhile student Emily writes:

"The only "retort" to the feminist/lesbian comment I can think of is a flip-side one: are all masculinists (is that a word? non-feminists? whatever.) gay? And I'm not sure that's culturally sensitive. On a
tangent, though, I read an article about feminism last year for class that made an interesting point: the author explained that she tells people she
"advocates feminism" instead of saying she "is a feminist" because people don't make the same assumptions. In fact, they frequently respond with, "What does that mean?" Which gives her at least a chance to "defend" her position."

Rock on, Third Wavers. (Wait, maybe that's me. Does Fourth Wave feminism exist yet? Generation X is as the grass, and its people as the flower of grass. . . )

In other politically incorrect news, an ESL student actually made her eyes all slanty by pulling them back with her fingers when I pressed her to explain how she knew that the person she was discussing was Chinese. I hadn't seen anyone do that since my second grade class made fun of Andy Yoon, the only Korean kid in the school. Mike had never seen anyone do that. Clearly, homeschoolers don't have to deal with playground taunts, at least, not when they are much bigger than their three younger sibilings. Of course, I also had to explain the concept of "dodgeball" to Mike. Do you suppose he knows how to play four square?

Posted by Meredith at October 10, 2002 04:54 PM

Send your politically incorrect student to

Go ahead. I dare you.

Posted by: russell on October 10, 2002 05:09 PM

Look Ma, I'm famous! Meredith, will you autograph a copy of your blog for me?

Posted by: Emily on October 10, 2002 06:33 PM

I wonder what your students who think that all feminists are lesbians would think of a man who defined himself as a feminist? Certainly there are men who do. So what are they?

Of course, that's probably too complicated for people with that mindset to imagine...

Posted by: Mike on October 10, 2002 08:26 PM

They are, of course, lesbians trapped in men's bodies.

Posted by: russell on October 11, 2002 05:15 PM

you know how sometimes you get the thought to do a google search on your own name? and so I read Meredith's little blurb about a 2nd grade korean boy being made fun of in school...and i wonder if that was me. it would've been in Westfield, NJ. if i'm that guy, that's just too weird...

Posted by: Andy Yoon on December 2, 2003 12:42 AM
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