Comments: On parenting

I am ever surprised by medical professionals' surprise that I do what they say. "Oh, you're still wearing your retainer?" "Oh, you're still continuing that course of antibiotics despite the side effects?" Um, yes, that's what you said would work. Why do all the preliminary work and then quit?

And what do you say to your child someday: "Oh, we intended to correct your club foot, but you didn't enjoy the treatment. Sorry, kid." ?

Posted by Gretchen at May 30, 2005 04:51 AM

My daughter is wearing the shoes now and keeps kicking out of one of them. what did your dr advise you to do when your son did this? I buckle them so tight that she has a small bruise starting.

Posted by Amanda Peters at September 27, 2005 06:31 AM

Ilike to know more about ponseti method in treatment of club foot

Posted by nabazmhamad at December 6, 2005 05:57 AM

This is one of the better sources of information I've found about the Ponseti method:

Posted by Mike at December 6, 2005 12:55 PM