Comments: New car... almost ...

so, so, so - do you have it now?? 8)

You'll have to come and take me to lunch soon!

Posted by meriko at June 12, 2003 08:16 PM

yea well you can have your audi i will stick with my gsr. i walked on the new audi like it was nothing, bottom and top end. I only have bolt ons too.

Posted by steven taylor at January 11, 2006 07:27 AM

A few weeks ago I went to my local Jiffy Lube in seaford for an oil change. First this old man apearing as if he was on drugs and speaking quickly with a high annoying voice and over grown facial hair began trying to sell me everthing in the store it seemed like and between offers kept telling me about Sports games and his son Noah which was completly rediculous! After trying to refuse services I wasn't sure if I needed or had the money for since I walked in expacting to spend $40 on an oil change a secong worker with blond fading hair line and a little to much confidence started trying to convince me I needed them. I told them both over and over I didn't want the service nor could I afford them but them kept insisting! Finally I agreed to get an air filter and some stupid QMI engine treament another $50 I didn't want to spend. I wanted to complain to the manager but I couldn't tell which one he was the balding blond, the pretty boy with the earings and the filthy mouth or the 50 year old with A.D.D. and a 5 o'clock shadow at 9am. Over all it was one of the most annoying experiences of my life!! The only thing that made it better was the Beautiful resceptionist. She's funny and cute and she's got one of the nicest set of boobs I've ever seen. Even though she was a bitch last time because I was talking about her boys outside. I DON'T CARE IF IT'S PART OF THE SERVICE HONEY I DON'T WANT TO HERE BABY STORIES OR ABOUT THE FINAL SCORE OF THE ISLANDERS GAME AND IF IT WASN'T FOR THOSE HUGE JUGS I'D NEVER COME BACK!!!

Posted by Andrew at May 23, 2007 07:30 PM