Comments: When conservatives drive me crazy

Yes, I could not agree more. There is the obvious frustration that eminates from the absurd beliefs and hypocrisy of the right. Finally, opinions and bleeding stereotype characterists that are obvious with the conservative right are brought to light in a convincing meta-analysis study by the American Psychological Association. The character traits of "closure to ambiguity, need for control, depression, anger, fear" are profound in those with conservative values. It is not that this wasn't obvious enough but this study of personality traits from Hitler to Limbaugh provides factual psychological study that even the conservatives will not be able to deny, despite their very narrow-mindedness. In addition to the character traits listed in the study, I feel a need to add "autism of the abstract." The ability to create and understand abstract forms of expression such as art, music and other forms of performance are strong in those with freedom and openness to expression. That usually eliminates the narrowness of the conservative right. Could you see someone like Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter appreciating a work by Dali? The response would probably be, "that is anti-Christian, and besides that, Tiger's can't fly. That painting therefore doesn't make sense."

Dr. David Guenette

Posted by Dr. David Guenette at October 23, 2003 02:18 PM